Pre-attentive Perception
IntroductionThe goal of this research is to analyse a design and dive deaper into it’s fundemental concept to make more aware design decisions. The analysis proposed here particularly concentrates on emotions, construction and the untold design story which is hiding behind the elements.
 The guide contains some of the most valuable expirements which really challenges the overall topic and is designed by Adnan Inayat Ali, Machiwala along with combined efforts of the whole class.
Preattentive PerceptionPrevious studies suggested the brain takes at least 50 milliseconds to send visual information from the retina to the "top" of the brain's visual processing chain and back again in loops that confirm what the eye saw. People are bad at recognising images under 50 milliseconds but that also explains how our brain start processing any given design before we soley commit our focus on it.

By only breaking down our focus we can breakdown the Preattentive Perception of our subject design
GoalAs designers we wanted to figureout the breakdown of how human brain process the image and why we process some elements faster than the rest of the complicated shapes.

Also this will help us design stronger campaign if we can find out the perfect mix of processing any design in a limited time.
The Boring Expirement
We started experimenting with how a user would perceive and digest a simple design. We started our experiment with using Tachistoscope which flashes graphics for 20ms. Since we are all scattered around the world due to the critical circumstances of COVID-19 we started experimenting with platforms like Snapchat and Instagram where we could get an instant response. Snapchat also has features which helped us making sure that nobody is cheating while Instagram allowed us to dive more deeply in the psychology & demographics of the participants.
The Intersting FindingSo we kicked things off by using the Tachistoscope and asked our participants to describe what they saw in few words.

We found that most of the people assosiate darkness with depression and sadness. It was interesting to find that even in the early stage of the expirement we’re finding all these emotions assosiated with the colors.

We also found that almost all of our participants recognised the eyes which could mean that humans are more likely to process a face starting with eyes. In our case the illustration has build the first level of connection with the eyes.

Some people recognised text and the other ones predicted that it could be a shape or doodle.

0 participants recognised the complete design
The Gestalt Principles1. We can see that the face is clearly in the focus and is detached from the rest of the background. We can observe clear “Figure Ground” seperation here. This might mean that the story is about the figure itself 2. We can assume that the face in the middle along with the text could be persived as a single object instead of different layers of the composition. 3. We can easily assume that the text is a well build group which might make it easier for the viewer to digest. The “Proximity” principle is in action whereas they are also grouped by “Similarity” due to their scriptic style and color composition.
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